"Off to Xenon" A Post-Predation World "The better, future world is ours if we want it to be." Lucian Green Humans can stop predation of animals by other animals by using mind reader (in some cases after helping satisfy meditation conception requirements using technology) to "ask" the animals to stop preying, where mind reader is a technology found out through meditation. "Training" a new student at first, with careful contact, including posing ethical advantages across species and cultural communication gaps can be achieved. Under no circumstances should predators be harmed as a way of stopping them attacking, however, society should enforce interspecies laws with possible jail terms as punishment for the murder of other animals. The logical fallacy, the appeal to the majority (ad populum) in regards to backlogs of, and other considerations of other species' cases should be overturned, because of the cases brought to court by plaintiffs or inquests. If both former predators and former prey populations skyrocket, then the extra numbers should be moved to a virtual world, hence the idiom, "Off to Xenon". The advantage of these worlds is that they can be created ad infinitum, and require only simulations to contain them. On these worlds, making animals sentient with meditation can help curb a population explosion by introducing pedagogical hurdles. In theory, there is nothing wrong with post-predationism, as long as animals become like humans. The migration to a positive life, and the end of the primitive natural selection (making it a topic of history) and non-human animalness, where animals adopt a human-like civilisation clears the final obstacle to a post-predatorial world. In the same way that medicine makes getting sick unnecessary, societal, scientific, medical and scholarly factors all play a part in making predation unnecessary. While we should avoid genetic engineering as a method of changing into (or better recognising) animal civilisations, because of the cost, low coverage and invasiveness of neural implants and genetic engineering to make animals human size and possibly give them human limbs, I recommend using meditation as a pivotal method for establishing interspecies peace. As part of my mission to find a viable mind-reading technology, I have discovered a method using a system that can reach the required spiritual threshold for having healthy children, earning jobs, selling products and other professional requirements. The number of breasonings needed for receiving a high distinction in an educational institution is 80 breasonings, where breasonings are objects thought of after meditation and accreditation time points, each geometrically measured in the x, y and z dimensions, proven to achieve success in specific tasks. Mind reader appears to require 250 breasonings, necessary for "colour" (as against colourlessness) in quality of results, to recognise a single breasoning, whether it is a character or symbol of communication, perhaps used by Jane Goodall or Dian Fossey. I am not sure whether these women would have approved of influencing other species' civilisations' development. However, we should at least ask (the animals). The mind reading system follows my development of 50 sentence As (50 As or high distinctions*80 breasonings=4000 sentences) on each of pedagogy (the basis of breasonings), meditation and medicine, and other breasoning documents required for the text to breasoning algorithm, such as recording and lecturer skills, for the algorithm that is needed for mind reading to work. The technology works because breasoning out 250-word breasonings to test for a breasoning thought of by a subject who has thought of an idea (and breasons it out because of meditation) will take a shorter time if the test is successful. There are small yet significant details, such as the fact that waiting for the 250 breasonings to be breasoned out takes a certain amount of time. Also, critics may scrutinise meditation texts against conscious thoughts of the person, where the meditation texts take less time. Moreover, dedicated virtual private servers may be needed to test a subject telepathically, given the load on RAM and the processor(s). These are the costs of helping an animal (meditator, if they would like to call themselves one fully) articulate human status. Meditator status can mean better health, possible openness to more thoughts, and that one is naturally prepared, e.g. writing philosophy. Writing philosophy is an essential skill in helping achieve famousness and creating a new generation of meditators. Non-meditators may accomplish the same things because they are possible for them, but reaching the threshold to continue to meditate and possibly write, supporting meditation may need future medical discoveries to attain. The need for the "performance" of life and achieving time points such as algorithm writer for making the sales time point, need to be identified, broken into chunks and worked at systematically using pedagogy to complete them for famousness. Non-meditators may compensate for the "jostle" of life with careful satisfaction of essential criteria and more solving of problems. In times of stress, meditation can be turned to by anyone in need of help. So, returning to the topic of post-predation, mind reading animals, and meditator animals should establish that they can communicate, think of human ideas such as God, and should be proficient thinkers, capable of sentient, perfectly programmed thought. If there is a room for something, then there is room for lack of it, which is why the animal products industry can go, and natural expectation for it replaced by finance, law, higher education and medicine (the educational kind). Children can eat vegan brain food, find more humane ways of cultivating plants, and synthesise products.